Literatur / Schiedsgerichte und Stiftungen / Schweiz
Dardel, Daniela, Trust in Arbitration – Schweizerische Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in trust-rechtlichen Angelegenheiten, Diss. Zürich, Zürich 2019.
Wüstemann, Tina, The Practitioner's Guide, Arbitrating Trust Disputes, Chapter 10, in: Manuel Arroyo (ed.), Arbitration in Switzerland: The
Practitioner's Guide, 2. A., Alphen aan den Rijn 2018, S. 1249-1273.
von Segesser, Georg/Bell Katherine, Arbitration of Trust Disputes, ASA Bull 2017, 10-39.
von Segesser, Georg,
Arbitrating Trust Disputes: Effect of the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and Their Recognition, in: Stacie I.
Strong (Hrsg.), Arbitration of Trust Disputes, Issues in National and International Law, Oxford 2016, S. 435-466.
Wüstemann, Tina / Huber, Roman, Trust Arbitration in Switzerland, in: Stacie Strong / Tony Molloy (Hrsg.), Arbitration of Trust Disputes, Issues in
National and International Law, Oxford 2016 (Oxford International Arbitration Series), S. 383-407.
Willson, Wallace D.,
Switzerland, in: Grant Jones et al. (Hrsg.) ADR and Trusts: An International Guid to Arbitration and Mediation of Trust Disputes,
London 2015, S. 357-363.
Wüstemann, Tina,
Chapter 6: „Consent” and Trust Arbitration, in: Geisinger Elliott/Trabaldo-de Mestral Elena (Hrsg.), Sports arbitration - A coach for
other players?, Huntington 2015 (= ASA Special Series No. 41), S. 123-136.
Peter, Natalie/Hess, Damian, Aspects of trust litigation in Switzerland, Journal of International Tax, Trust and Corporate Planning 21 (2014) 337-346.
von Segesser, Georg, A step forward: addressing real and perceived obstacles to the arbitration of trust disputes, Trusts & Trustees 2014, 37-51.
Huber, Roman, Gerichtsstands- und Schiedsgerichtswahl in trustrechtlichen Angelegenheiten, Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der
schweizerischen Rechtslage, Diss. Zürich, Zürich/Basel/Genf 2013 (= Zürcher Studien zum Privatrecht, Band 259).
Schnyder, Anton K., Verfahrens-, kollisions- und schiedsgerichtliche Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit «Asset Protection», in: Dominique Jakob
(Hrsg.), Stiften und Gestalten, Basel 2013, S. 192 ff.
Wüstemann, Tina, The Practitioner's Guide, Arbitrating Trust Disputes, Chapter 10, in: Manuel Arroyo (ed.), Arbitration in Switzerland: The
Practitioner's Guide, Alphen aan den Rijn 2013, S. 1247-1263.
Wüstemann, Tina/Gabriel, Debora, International Trust and Divorce Litigation, Switzerland, in: Mark Harper et al. (Hrsg.), International Trust and
Divorce Litigation, 2. A., Bristol 2013, S. 266-275.
Bersheda, Tatjana, Is arbitration-friendly Switzerland also trust-arbitratinfriendly?, Trusts & Trustees 2012, 348-357.
Wüstemann, Tina, Anglo-Saxon trusts and (Swiss) arbitration: alternative to trust litigation?, Trusts & Trustees 2012, 341-347.
Wüstemann, Tina, Anglo-Saxon Trusts and (Swiss) Arbitration: Alternative to Trust Litigation?, IFC Review Newsletter 07/04/2010.
Wüstemann, Tina, Arbitration of Trust Disputes, in: Christoph Müller (ed.), New Developments in International Commercial Arbitration 2007, Zurich
2007, S. 33-56.
von Segesser, Georg, Arbitrability in Estate and Trust Litigation, in: Atherton Rosalind F. (Hrsg.), Papers of the International Academy of Estate and
Trust Law – 2000, Den Haag 2001, 21-30.