Literatur / Schiedsgerichte und Trusts / USA


Strong, Stacie I., The Euroopean Succession Regulation and the Arbitration of Trust Disputes, 203 Iowa Law Review 2205-2228 (2018).


Sherman, Edward F., Arbitration in Wills and Trusts: From George Washington to an Uncertain Present, 9 Arbitration Law Review 83-92 (2017).


Rogers, John, Arbitration of Estate and Trust Disputes, in: Susan S. Gary (Hrsg.), Mediation for Estate Planners, Chicago 2016, S. 225-240​​​​​​​.
Strong, Stacie I. (Hrsg.), Arbitration of Trust Disputes: Issues in National and International Law, Oxford 2016.

-     Stacie I. Strong, Introduction (S. 3-14).
-     E. Gary Spitko, A Critique of the American Arbitration Association's Efforts to Facilitate Arbitration of Internal Trust Disputes (S. 49-73).
-     Robert W. Goldman, ACTEC's Simplified Trial Resolution Option with Model Laws and Clauses (S. 74-98).
-     Stacie I. Strong, Institutional Approaches to Trust Arbitration: Comparing the AAA, ACTEC, ICC and DIS Trust Arbitration Regimes (S. 99-140).
-     David M. English, Arbitration and the United States Uniform Trust Code (S. 143-149).
-     Lee-ford Tritt, Legislative Approaches to Trust Arbitration in the United States (S. 150-174).
-     Mary F. Radford, Trust Arbitration in the United States Courts (S. 175-202).
-     David Horton, Donative Trusts and the United States Federal Arbitration Act (203-227).
-     Margaret L. Moses, International Enforcement of an Arbitration Provision in a Trust - Questions Involving the New York Convention
      (S. 467-493).
-     Sarah Ganz, Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Arising from in Internal Trust Arbitration - Issues Under the New York Convention
     (S. 494-528).
-     Stacie I. Strong, The Future of Trust Arbitration (S. 531-547).


Beess und Chrostin, Jessica, Mandatory Arbitration Clauses in Donative Instruments, Real Property, Trust & Estate Law Journal 2014-2015, 397-
Jones, Grant / Pexton Peter, ADR and trusts: An international guide to arbitration and mediation of trust disputes, Spiramus 2015.
Lakhan, Mandeep, Arbitration and Asset Protection in Trust Disputes, in: Francesco A. Schurr (Hrsg.), Handbuch des Vermögensschutzes, Wien
​​​​​​​      2015, S. 328-347.
Tipton, Michael, Can You Trust Your Trust?: Analyzing the Decision And Implications of Rachal v. Reitz on Arbitration Provisions in Trust
      Agreements, 48 Akron Law Review 980-1007 (2015).


Clark, John D., Required Arbitration of Trust Disputes: Enforcing Settlor's Intent, 24 Ohio Probate Law Journal 343-346 (2014).


Bierwirth, Joseph L., Arbitration provisions in trusts: Are they enforceable?, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly (Boston) August 26, 2013 (https://
Hartnett, Jim, Arbitration Issues in Trust and Estate Litigation, San Antonio (Texas) December 5-6 2013 (
Hirshberg, Rachel M., You Can't Have Your Trust and Defeat It Too: Why Mandatory Arbitration Provisions in Trusts Are Enforceable, and Why State
      Courts Are Getting it Wrong, Journal of Dispute Resolution 2013, 213-231.
Mignogna, Steven K., Increasing Enforceability of Mandatory Arbitration Clauses in Wills and Trusts: Can a testator or settlor require parties to
      submit disputes to alternative dispute resolution?, New Jersey Law Journal vom 29.07.2013​​​​​​​.


Cohen, Lawrence / Poole, Joanna, Trust Arbitration – Is It Desirable and Does it Work? 18 Trust & Trustees 324-331 (2012).
Horton, David, The Federal Arbitration Act and Testamentary Instruments, 90 North Carolina Law Review 1027-1090 (2012).
Strong, Stacie I., Arbitration of Trust Law Disputes: Two Bodies of Law Collide, 45 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1157-1248 (2012).
Strong, Stacie I., Empowering Settlors: How Proper Language Can Increase the Enforceability of a Mandatory Arbitration Provision in a Trust, 47
      Real Property Trust & Estate Law Journal 275-326 (2012).
Strong, Stacie I., Mandatory Arbitration of Internal Trust Disputes: Improving Arbitrability and Enforceability Through Proper Procedural Choices, 28
      Arbitration International 591-652 (2012).
Strong, Stacie I., Trust arbitration in the United States: recent developments show increasing diversity as a matter of statutory and common law, 18
      Trusts and Trustees 659-671 (2012).


Katzen, Erin, Arbitration Clauses in Wills and Trusts: Defining the Parameters for Mandatory Arbitration of Wills and Trusts, Quinnipiac Probate Law
      Journal 2011, 118-136.
Murphy, Stephen, Wills, Enforceable Arbitration Clauses, in: Wills and Trusts: A Critique, Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 2011, 627-681.


Hwang, Michael, Arbitration of Trust Disputes, in: Legal Media Group (Hrsg.), Guide to the world’s leading experts im commercial arbitration 2009.
Mautner, Gail E. / Orr Heidi L.G., A Brave New World: Nonjudicial Dispute Resolution Procedures Under the Uniform Trust Code and Washington’s
      and Idaho’s Trust and Estate Dispute Resolution Acts, 35 ACTEC Law Journal 159-203 (2009).


Bosques-Hernández, Gerardo J., Arbitration Clauses in Trusts - The U.S. developments and a Comparative Perspective, Revista para el analisis
      del derecho (InDret – 3/2008, 1-33.
Buckle, Paul, Trust Disputes and ADR, 14 Trusts & Trustees 649-658 (2008).
Peacocke, Teresa Rosen, Arbitration and Mediation of Trust and Probate Disputes: Obstacles Removed (or Non-Existent), London/New York July
      2008, (


Bruyere, Michael P./Marino, Meghan D., Mandatory Arbitration Provisions: A Powerful Tool To Prevent Contentious And Costly Trust Litigation, But
      Are They Enforceable?, Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal (Chicago) 2007, S. 351-360.


Logstrom, Bridget A., Arbitration in Estate and Trust Disputes: Friend or Foe?, ACTEC Law Journal 266-300 (2005).


Cohen, Lawrence / Staff, Marcus, The Arbitration of Trust Disputes, 7 Journal of International Trust & Corporate Planning 203-224 (1999).


Lahey, John H. / Kozusko, Donald D., A Proposal for Using Alternative Dispute Resolution in International Trust Administration, A Report to
      the International Trust Companies Association, Washington 1998.


Kabaker, Richard Z. / Maier, Joseph F. / Ware, Frank Gofton, The Use of Arbitration in Wills and Trusts, ACTEC Notes 1991, 177 ff.


Janin, Blaine Covington, Comment, The Validity of Arbitration Provisions in Trust Instruments, 55 California Law Review 521-534 (1967).

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